Gospels through Songs: Lara Taubman Drops The Hauntingly Beautiful Album “The Gospel of Getting Free”

People always want to hear enchanting stories, like how heroes save the day, how the princess marries her prince charming, and how they live happily ever after. But what if happily ever after isn’t always true? What if it’s a lie? Everyone gets to tell their own stories, no matter how eerie they are, and Lara Taubman, a rising New York-based singer-songwriter, has a way of telling stories in a hauntingly beautiful way. Released on June 22, 2024, this album is a unique and intriguing collection of tracks that focuses on the humane and real sides of hurt, trauma, healing, and the pursuit of freedom.

“This album, The Gospel of Getting Free, is like a ship on which I can finally sail home,” the artist shared. This project served as her process of healing and coming to terms with what she’d experienced in the past; this album served as her guide throughout the complexities of her life and to find her true self. This album is her freedom, proof of being resilient, growth, and survival.


Opening up the collection is the track “Home at Last.” From the first notes of this track, you will definitely feel like this is not the ordinary music that you usually hear—it is an intriguing mix. This track is about starting anew. Along with the track “Sing Your Song,” which has a much more lively and upbeat instrumentation, these tracks give you a solid foundation for what to expect in this album.

There is no denying that the tracks on this album carry darker themes. As depicted in the tracks “The Siren” and “The Odyssey,” both songs carry a strong message about heartbreak and addiction. These tracks are packed with a melodic and dreamy vibe brought by the enchanting vocal performance of Taubman, ironically hiding the dark and haunting message of the song perfectly. “Assyrian King” is also a track that goes along with this description, as this track is also eerily enchanting.

“The Reason I Was Born,” on the other hand, is an upbeat and funky track that carries the story of someone with a broken soul who’s trying to fit in with society and with everyone. It was depicted that they are living their everyday lives feeling like they don’t fit in. Along with this is the track “Sugar,” which carries a certain grit and grunge! This song is sexy, yet its jazzy vibe hides a dark story about addiction. While the track “So Not Me” sounds like a promise, This track honestly just sounded magical because of the way Taubman was singing. It added to the dramatic vibe of the song, which actually deals with the confusion that a person is feeling whenever they are subjected to an unfamiliar situation that could be related to a relationship.


Lastly, “Love is the Rule” is a track that gives off a playful and coming-of-age romance vibe. On the other hand, the final track, “The Gospel of Getting Free,” carries a unique air of mystery. This track uses clever world plays to deliver compelling lines that tell a story about the life of a boy or man and his journey to becoming free. The best need for an amazing listening experience!

Lara Taubman’s album “The Gospel of Getting Free” is an intriguing collection. It is unique in all possible ways. The tracks are well-written; they will require you to think and do a deep dive. The songs are well-engineered and produced—the variety of genres presented in this album is insane and top-notch! The vocal performance and skills that Lara Taubman has showcased in this album are absolutely crazy—an absolute skill and beauty! This album is an art itself—a top-tier one! This is the type of music that you wouldn’t want to miss!

So, check out “The Gospel of Getting Free” by Lara Taubman, now available for streaming on Spotify. Don’t miss out on this great drop! Follow Lara Taubman on her social media accounts to learn more about her future releases! These are some awesome artists with some awesome music, so don’t sleep on them. Stream “The Gospel of Getting Free” now!

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