Casa Del Sol Rocks With Their Debut Album “Strange Angel”: Emotional and Authentic

Nothing beats an album that takes you on a much more personal ride, as you can listen to each of the tracks that they feature, and with “Strange Angels” by the band Casa Del Sol, that is what they have for you. As someone who likes casual, deep conversations about life and the mystery that goes along with it, listening to the debut album of the band that is firmly rooted in San Francisco felt like having mundane talks with someone who has seen a lot of things in life—it is inspiring, friendly, and welcoming. With the band led by its brain tank, Mad Johnny Modell, the son of the legendary NFL star Art Model, along with his friends, Mighty Dave Pellicciaro, Mike DiPirro, and Wally Ingram, this band offers an enjoyable album to listen to that has psych-rock, folk, soul, and blues influences that are guaranteed to be enjoyable and stay with you. 

Strange Angels is an album that brings in nothing but chemistry because of the quality that each member of the band offers for this project. As Modell gathers his old friends to make music together, this results in music with undeniable chemistry, passion, memory, and heart on every track. Opening with the track “Sing My Song,” which oozes off with a friendly vibe because of its whole package of production. It is an easy listen, which sets the tone for the entire album and what to expect from then on. 


Following this is the track “Love In a Time of War,” which follows the friendly and heartwarming vibe of the initial track. The song is soulful; there’s no denying that, as Modell sings lines that somehow feel like a prayer (or maybe a reflection) on life’s chaos and the beauty that it carries. While this track is supposed to be about his son, this song perfectly captures a love that sees through the chaos and noises that the world offers.

Another one dedicated to Modell’s special someone is a track called “Adorable Corruptor,” which is a playful track about his wife, Beverly. When she asked for him to write a song about her, Modell delivered something sweet and partially eerie because of the way the song enters your system. The wolf’s howls and the whispers of the words “children of the night” could easily be mistaken for something that comes out of a horror movie, but it is a love song! “Her love brings out the adolescent in me… she’s my adorable corruptor,” a mischievous line delivered by Modell as the song mixes well with a dark vibe and a bluesy rock sound, which is rightfully a signature of Casa Del Sol!

With “Leaves and Trees” and “These Roads,” this track will make you reflect on life and hit you like a punch in the gut. It is impossible to listen to these tracks and not feel any stirrings inside yourself, as these tracks carry emotional lines that could wrap around you like a blanket of security and vulnerability at the same time. These tracks are the types that are poetic; you will feel the sincerity in each line thrown and the connection with each note being made. These tracks will allow you to feel, mourn, hope, and romanticize life as it is. Along with other tracks like “Realize,” “Mystery Night,” and “Cold Water,” these songs reflect the undeniable charm and musicality of the band “Casa Del Sol,” so be sure to give it your full attention. 


Finally, the title track, “Strange Angels,” which is also my personal favorite, closes the curtain for this whole collection. I consider this track as nothing short of pure—heartfelt, heartwarming, sincere, and deeply expressive. With just Modell’s impressive voice along with the deep and resounding sound of the guitar, this track features no frills and no distractions, just pure message, emotions, and power. This song is so intimate, a song that weighs heavy and speaks about love and pain that could only be known and understood through personal experience. What an incredible way to end the whole collection.

Ultimately, “Strange Angels” by Casa Del Sol is an album that you would most definitely enjoy! Trust me when I say that the songs featured in this collection carry a lot of elements that you wouldn’t want to miss—stories, experiences, emotions, vibes, and, most of all, great-sounding music. The tracks may not have been perfect for some, as some songs are longer than what you usually expect for tracks, but it’s special that way. The longer the songs were, it only showed that the band put in more effort to show their heart through their songs than to make everything sound perfect for the public’s consumption. I personally love how passionate this album felt, and for a debut, this sure is an impressive start! I can’t wait to hear more from this band because I am almost sure Casa Del Sol is not done and has much more to offer for all of us!

So, check out Strange Angels! Drop by and give Casa Del Sol a follow on their social media accounts! Stream Strange Angels by Casa Del Sol now!

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