Ceasar The Noble’s debut EP ‘Friends’: A Friendship Worth Vibing

Ever stumbled upon a debut EP that feels like you just found your new BFF? Well, Ceasar The Noble‘s ‘Friends‘ EP is just that. Released last December 26, 2023, it’s a joyous Side A to a soon-to-be 2-part musical saga.  As described by Ceasar, this part feels like the joyous opening chapter of an unfolding story—a musical “honeymoon phase” when things are fresh, fun, and utterly infectious!

So, who’s our guy? Ceasar The Noble, A 27-year-old New Orleans pop sensation. Ceasar took a leap of faith from his successful singles like “Situation,” “Ownly,” “Resurrection,” and “Grocery Bag” and landed right into the EP scene. And what an entrance it is! This album is Ceasar’s grand escape from the cozy comfort zone. Imagine 1.5 years of musical soul-searching, self-doubt wrestling, and finally, voilà! It’s like Ceasar just threw off the weight off his shoulders. This EP feels like a weightlifting session for his soul, and guess what? He’s pumped and ready to drop more musical marvels this year.


Now, let’s jump into the heart of the EP. ‘Friends‘ opens the show, setting the stage with its pristine production, spot-on vocal recordings, and lyrics that’ll make you nod like a bobblehead on overdrive. It’s the perfect entry point into Ceasar’s musical universe. But hold your horses; the groove doesn’t stop there. ‘Coupe Thing,’ ‘Shake Sumn,’ and ‘Have To‘—these tracks? Pure audio adrenaline! Pumping up the vibe to maximum levels. They’re the kind of tunes that demand a spot in your go-to playlist. Trust me, your ears will thank you later.

And for the grand finale? ‘Outside‘ seals the deal with its slow, sultry melody wrapped in a fiery beat. It’s the kind of track that’ll have you vibing outside while your mind is dancing on clouds.


Oh, did we mention? There’s a visual treat coming soon! Ceasar The Noble is cooking up some slick music videos to accompany the tracks from this EP—popcorn ready?

So dude, if you’re craving infectious beats, addictive lyrics, and an EP that feels like finding your new musical confidant, check out ‘Friends’ by Ceasar The Noble. This EP is the kind of musical bond you’ll want to keep on repeat!

Friends Track List

Couple Things
Have To
Shake Sumn

Connect with Ceasar The Noble

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