Beats & Breakthroughs: Big Vezy’s Upcoming Album ‘Steady Growth’

Guess what’s popping up on the horizon? Big Vezy‘s cooking up a musical storm with his upcoming album, “Steady Growth.” Set to be released on January 23, 2024, and let me tell you—it’s a story, a vibe, and a whole mood. Big Vezy is narrating a story—a real, raw, and slightly chaotic journey of personal evolution. Vezy’s more than a beat maker; he’s a musical legacy ninja, born in the Bahamas and now kicking it in Atlanta. R&B, Rap, Lofi, and Jazz Beats? Yup, that’s his canvas, and trust me, he’s Picasso-ing his way through sound waves.

“The message I want people to get from this is life is all about steady growth. That’s how you learn to appreciate things better and sustain what you are working so hard to achieve. I am a firm believer that anything worth having doesn’t come easy, so here I am in the thick of difficulty, pushing my way out and up! ” –Big Vezy


This album? It’s like peeking into Vezy’s diary—except it’s all instrumental. It’s about facing life’s curveballs head-on, dealing with job dramas, financial jigsaws, and the messy puzzle of personal life. Sound familiar? But here’s the kicker: Vezy’s mantra is “steady growth.” It’s like trying to grow a beard—patience is key, folks. Each track is a brushstroke painting the messiness of life, reminding us that good things take time, like a fine wine or a perfectly brewed cup of coffee.

Now, the spiritual side of things. It’s not a preachy sermon though; it’s more like Vezy’s inviting us to his musical therapy session. He’s sharing his vibe, hoping we’ll nod our heads and go, “Yeah, I get that!” It’s like a heart-to-heart chat over beats.


This album’s like a musical fist bump, a high-five to all of us dealing with life’s sneaky curveballs. And from an expert viewpoint, it’s a masterclass in genre-blending—a musical fusion cuisine that hits all the right notes.

So, Keepers, get ready for “Steady Growth” ’cause this ain’t just about melodies and rhythms—it’s a celebration of resilience. Picture it as a musical garden, where every beat’s a seed growing into something epic.

Pre-order this Album here:

Steady Growth Track List

Mustard Seed
Things Take Time
Morning Dew
Steady Growth

Connect with Big Vezy

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