Have you ever had music which on first listen you had the urge to cry? Well, for me, the album Saturn Return is one of them. Yep. Not just one track, but it’s a full album. Crafted by indie pop rock artist and producer, Dallas Thornton from Los Angeles California, Saturn Return is a true indie pop gem. Released February 9, 2024, this concept album is a story told in eight chapters, each song coming together to spin one compelling narrative.
Starting strong with the track “Mr. Nobody” which serves as the introduction. It is a great hook and a worthy show-starter. Its clean vocals and vivid storytelling tell us about the story of someone whose dreams are fading. The lyrics, “The heat of breath is rising like dying ghosts on the horizon / reminds me of the dreams we used to keep,” hit so close to home. These are the types of thoughts that we can all easily relate to, as we yearn for our passion that somehow (sometimes) gets lost along the busy buzz of this world. The guitar and mellow voice add to the drama and storytelling of this song. Another highlight in this track is the lines, “Mr. Nobody, go nowhere / long way to go, you’re not alone, everyone gets lost as we walk each other home.” this somehow reminds us that in facing uncertainty, we’re not really truly alone.

Next up is this absolute fire – “Roll with the Punches“. It is unapologetic, carefree, and defiant. I definitely loved the way the line “I swear to God I care, I do, just not that much” was delivered in this song – it was with so much finesse and grit. This song is just full of surprises, and one of them is the sudden octave change at 2:13. It sure is something. I’m so sure that after all these, “Roooooooolll with the puncheeeeeeeees” will be stuck in my head. This could be an anthem to be very honest.
Then there’s “Get it Right” – a continuation to the goodness of Roll with the Punches. It offers a contrast to the energy of the latter-mentioned track. This song is packed with a chill vibe: laidback vocals, smooth musicality, and slow-tempo beats. “You never really know what you never really try,” – is a line that is really memorable as it perfectly captures the sense of inner reflection towards things that are happening around you. “One More” on the other hand, offers a different spark as a track. The exciting energy from its guitar riffs and its catchy melody will surely stay for days inside your head. The lyrics, “Screw what people say to do, they don’t know how to love how we loved when we did… and maybe we still do” emits a rebellious energy that celebrates living on your own terms. Though it acknowledges negativity while choosing the positive side of things, this never feels preachy. It’s more on the uplifting side.
Now, please hear me out. “Clouds” – FIRST OF ALL, I DID NOT EXPECT THAT FRANKENSTEIN REFERENCE AS AN INTRO. In that movie, the lines “Have you never wanted to look beyond the clouds and the stars or to know what causes the trees to bud, and what changes a darkness into light?” depict the desire to unravel mysteries and push boundaries since it is an inherent human desire. It is a nice song to listen to and again, just like other tracks in this album, it has the ability to speak close to you. It is a comfort song that you can listen to whenever you’re feeling sad. It is comforting in the sense that it speaks the truth. It speaks about the reality of self-reflection – of how sometimes, you get lost in your thoughts. The impostor syndrome that you’ll get whenever you’re doing something. Or like are you really doing something worthwhile? OR IS IT JUST AN ILLUSION THAT YOU’RE DOING GOOD? This song actually made me tear up (yet again) and caused me a bad existential crisis moment for a while.
The next chapter is the track entitled, “Miss Misfit“. Now here comes the shocker. It has absolutely different vibe from the rest of the tracks in this album. Heartbeats? Smart move. It adds up to the spice of the song. The vocals are of course exceptional, as well as the whole production of this song. It comes off really strong which definitely made this song unique from the other chapters. And the guitar riffs! FIRE! The bridge part is an absolute gem, it is a section where you’ll wanna jump and bang your head if you want to release some stress from your body. (Honestly, a must-try. Ha!) All in all, this one is not only sunshine and rainbows, it’s more like sunshine amidst the storm. Listen to it and prove me wrong!
Now here’s where my mind was really blown away. This next track is called, “Save Me A Dance” – First of all, I did not expect that twist. I will not spoil things but just go listen to this song and let us talk about your honest reaction because of its story. This is really where I give Dallas Thornton a standing ovation. The way this track was crafted was just so good. The way he laid down the story with his amazing vocals and great production – you wouldn’t expect how the events unfold. Here are some lines as proof of how amazingly well-written this song is. “It’s been hell, but we see ourselves by firelight / because behind every hallelujah is a starless night.” Going back to the twist that I want you all to check out, here’s a hint: Love a singer, and he will forever immortalize you through his songs. Enjoy!
Last, and most definitely not least, “The Ride” – a triumphant, soaring conclusion to a great story. If you like the song We Are Young by Fun., you will definitely love this song. It has a really uplifting vibe. But don’t get fooled as its lyrics go, “Maybe I could get lost, Maybe I could fall in love, maybe I could be someone different. Maybe I could let go and I could be enough and I could just love the ride”. It is a fun song, but more than that it is an ecstatic reminder to deeply feel life in all of its twists and turns. You’ve got to love the ride, indeed.
Overall, I can vouch that this album is a good one. It resonates deeply, especially since it dives deeper into self-reflection and experiences. Can I just say that this is an absolute masterpiece? Each note was carefully placed, each lyric was carefully written, and the whole album was carefully produced to form these absolute bangers! Trust me when I say, it is an absolute experience from start to finish. CHECK OUT DALLAS THORNTON AND HIS ALBUM SATURN RETURN! I kid you not, you are in for a great musical experience.
PS. Honestly, it’s hard to pick a personal favorite from this album since every track has a certain great quality that deserves to be on the top pick. But for the sake of choosing, the tracks (yes, plural) that really caught my attention were Mr. Nobody, Roll With the Punches, and The Ride. (I honestly changed this list so many times, I don’t know what’s real anymore. Lol) LISTEN TO SATURN RETURN ON SPOTIFY NOW!!
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About the Author

Born and raised in one of the 7000-ish islands in the Philippines, a self-proclaimed professional fangirl, with a degree in Biology. She probably annoy the people around her so much for not speaking and speaking too much. A frustrated writer, yes!