Embracing Eccentricity: Evan Mix’s Glare Cursed (A review)

To rise from the ranks in the world of music, one must follow a formula for your music to succeed. This strategy has been tested and proven by a lot of artists and producers which is why this industry is cutthroat as it is. Going against the current trend is daring, and that is exactly what Evan Mix has done on his freshest album release entitled, “Glare Cursed”. This 8-tracked album is a bold statement from the artist that one can go against the norms and still make it.

Evan Mix’s music is eccentric and there are no other words to describe it best. It is unconventional, unexpected, and definitely complex. After going through all the tracks, one must listen to it a couple of times to appreciate the artistry that the artist had poured into the making of this album.


Diving deeper into this album with the first track, “The Descending of Remains”. This track is packed with traditional yet modern-sounding tones and beats that can be heard throughout the song. It is loaded with Mix’s signature eccentric style of music. The bass notes were nice, along with the background vocals. It has successfully delivered the “dark and mysterious” themes that it attempts to portray. The same level of music quality can be observed in the songs “Glare Cursed” and “I Think About Her Everyday” which were also featured in this album.

The track “Where Should I Ask” does not deviate from the eccentric style of this release. While maintaining said style, this song is loaded with a Retro vibe with a hint of colorful 80’s sound. It induces a playful energy brought by its tone. It also has great background vocals that complement the whole vibe of the song. It contains isolation and clear vocals brought by Evan Mix which added the whole drama to the whole track.

Speaking of drama, the track “Daring without Shame” is loaded with that. The backup vocals of the track are great, and the whole production of the song is great. “Alyosha Left” on the other hand is a track full of beat and background synths accompanied with nice sounding bass. This track is easy to remember as it contains simple yet well-placed elements in the track. And since we’re still talking about beats and synths, the track, “Jerk & Jerk” is also packed with it. It also contains elements of snares, keyboards, and stylish bass plays that make it a highlight of the song.


Lastly, the track “Mooshee Ooshees” is somehow theatrical. With its intro that somehow sounds like it’s done in French (But it’s still in English, trust me), it somehow adds to the excitement of what is yet to come as you listen to the track. It is loaded with great backup vocal traces and it gives off an uplifting vibe because of its country music tendencies. It is a good listen despite all its eccentricities.

Overall, this album highlights the music that Evan Mix can offer. His vocals are the focus of this album along with the production. In listening to and appreciating this album, one must have an acquired taste. While others find it hard to comprehend what is going on in this album, I personally think that this is just how Evan Mix conveys his message to the listeners. As you go along with the tracks, you can see how the songs would be enhanced one track after another.

If you are looking for something different and something out of the ordinary, Evan Mix’s “Glare Cursed” should be your go-to. So check out Evan Mix and his album “Glare Cursed”, now streaming on all platforms! You are really in for an experience.

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